Availability: not in Stock


Crops : Wide range

Potato, Grapes, Chillies,

Paddy (Blast) Wheat Rust,

All kinds of Blights/Rusts/Blasts/Rots etc.

Mode of Action: Contact/ Preventive

Dose :2-2.5 gm/ Lt , Water Volume 200 ltr

Best Time of Application :

Before Disease Appearance/ or at Disease initiation.

Pack Sizes: 100 gms, 250gms, 500 gms,1 kg.


Crops :Soybean, Chilli(CIB), Extended use : Crops: Apple, Banana, Barley, BrusselSprout, Cherry, ChiliPepper, Coffee, Cucurbits, Corn, Dry Bean, Garlic, Grape, Hops, Mango, Mustard, Pome & Stone Fruit, Peach, Pear, Oats, Okra, Onion, Pea, Rice, Soybean, Tomato, Sugarcane, Sugar-beet, Tea, Tree Nut* , Wheat, Rose, Ornamental and Turfgrass

Disease Spectrum : CIB Chilli:Powdery mildew& Fruit rot, Soybean: Leaf spot & Pod blightExtended Spectrum : Powdery mildew, Scab, Rust, Smut, Damping-off, Leaf spot, Blotch, Sugarcane red rot, Tea blight, Sheath blight, White rust, Die-back, Stem rot, Fruit rot, Anthracnose, Sooty mold, Black rot, Brown Spot, White spot, Ring spot, Grain smut, wilt, etc

Mode of Action: Toshiro is an advanced, broad spectrum premix fungicide that contains tebuconazole, a Triazolegroup systemic fungicide that is absorbed and trans-located, and sulfur, a non systemic fungicide that works through contact and vaporaction. Toshiro can be used as part of a preventative or a curative fungicide program